Sunday, November 16, 2008

Concious OBE or regular dream?

Had a weird but amazing dream this morning. I dreamt I had my first OBE.. I had an astral body but did not see my physical body at all. In the dream I was practicing astral flight and was helping someone get around in the astral. It did not seem like an OBE but felt like a dream. I sat on the ground and tried to levitate. Everytime I concentrated on flying I floated up and when I lost concentration for a while I went back down. It was weird because It felt like I astral projected, I could see my astral body and was with someone else. Im not counting this as an OBE. I was awakened by the alarm clock and it felt weird working up (it took be a long time to get back to reality)


Anonymous said...

I'm really pleased to see you're still going! Though at first it's a bit like playing a lottery, the more times you play, the more chances you have of making a win...good luck! said...

Many astral projections are intermingled with dream images. Dream images act as a protective veil for the psyche, since it is not commonly consciously accustomed to astral dimensions.

It sounds like you did actually astral project, insofar as you describe many of it's various sensations, but you might not have been necessarily conscious of it at the time.

The next time that you experience something like this, it's ideal to become conscious that you're dreaming, so that you can shut down the dream. If you can cancel out the dream right in the middle of it, you will subsequently become aware of your surrounding astral environment.