Saturday, November 22, 2008

I know what my problems are in why I haven't been able to AP. I have belief that I can project since I felt it in a lucid dream and belief is an important thing to have if you want to OBE. I also have no fear whatsoever of projecting. My problem is relaxation. I am bad at relaxing and getting to the mind awake / body asleep state and getting to the vibrations. I try to do rythmatic breathing and try to relax every muscle in my body but I just fall asleep. Other times I get these annoying itches that won't let me relax. This weekend I haven't been able to practice that much because I have been going to sleep late and then in the morning today I had a doctor's appointment. I need to improve on my relaxation. I also forget to write my dreams down in the morning. On weekdays I set my alarm clock 30 minutes before I wake up for school so I can do dream recollection but I always fall asleep until my 2nd alarm clock wakes me up for school. Other times I wake up late and have to get ready for school. On the weekends I just forget to write down my dreams. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL I PROJECT.

1 comment: said...

99% of my astral projections have actually taken place right before waking up or periodically throughout the night, as opposed to when I go to sleep.