Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yesterday I tried to project at night but my body was itching all over in random places which kept me from relaxing. What causes these itches and how can I stop them because it wouldn't let me relax.

Cool website with Astral Dynamics:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Practicing at night time is very tricky. It's better to practice in the morning when both your mind and body are naturally relaxed.

As for the itches, they are caused by your brain. Your brain is sending signals (usually in the form of itches) to your body as a test to check your level of awareness before it puts your body into sleep mode, so to speak. If you are still mentally awake your first response would be to scratch that itch. You were obviously still very alert and one itch led to another. I use to get itches a lot when I first started out, it's quite common.

Practice deep breathing (read about it because there's a chance you might not be breathing effectively). Deep breathing is the best, most effective relaxation method I've come across so far.

Good Luck