Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
I saw a video on youtube "Induce an AP" My body was really relaxed and my body got numb just by listening to the video for 9 minutes. The binaural beat helps to get your body relaxed. The first time I saw the video I stopped at 5:00 because I heard someone coming. The second time I listened to the whole video and was relaxed but stopped when it ended. Anyone else tried this video?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Hey guys check out this youtube video on inducing an OBE and tell me how you react to it!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I have been remembering many dreams lately. On Thursday I went to sleep at 5:00 PM and woke up the next day at 4:00 AM and remembered at least 5 dreams. Yesterday I went to sleep at around 11:00 PM and woke up today at 8:00 AM and remembered around 3 dreams. I haven't been writing them down though and none of them have become lucid because I haven't been asking myself "Am I dreaming" or done any lucid dream techniques. My dream recollection has definetly improved.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Will try this AP technique sometime. They say it works wonders for many people.
Mind Awake=Body Asleep this is all you need to AP you don’t need a technique at all. Here is how you do it when your rested repeat in your mind. Mind Awake and try to move your consinious to your brain. Then say Body Asleep in your mind and move your consciousness to your body its that easy. What I do is make two different colors so I can switch back and forth from Mind Awake and Body Asleep. I imagine my Body is a light blue and my brain is orange. When you inhale say in your mind Mind Awake then imagine your body is a light blue with an orange brain. Since your mind is awake increase the color of your orange brain make it brighter and your body dimmer. Then do the opposite when you exhale Say in your mind Body Asleep and dim your orange brain and make your light blue body brighter. You have to remember to say Mind awake or Body asleep in your mind depending on witch one your moving your consciousness to. This is a very easy method you have to try it.
Mind Awake=Body Asleep this is all you need to AP you don’t need a technique at all. Here is how you do it when your rested repeat in your mind. Mind Awake and try to move your consinious to your brain. Then say Body Asleep in your mind and move your consciousness to your body its that easy. What I do is make two different colors so I can switch back and forth from Mind Awake and Body Asleep. I imagine my Body is a light blue and my brain is orange. When you inhale say in your mind Mind Awake then imagine your body is a light blue with an orange brain. Since your mind is awake increase the color of your orange brain make it brighter and your body dimmer. Then do the opposite when you exhale Say in your mind Body Asleep and dim your orange brain and make your light blue body brighter. You have to remember to say Mind awake or Body asleep in your mind depending on witch one your moving your consciousness to. This is a very easy method you have to try it.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Why Can't I Reach Mind Awake / Body Asleep! Help
I just woke up from attempting to OBE. I started at 2:00 PM. I started to relax myself. I inhaled and exhaled and pictured every part of my body relaxing. Nothing happend. I just kept getting sleepy and sleepy. I kept inhaling and exhaling and tried to relax myself. 50 minutes later at 2:50 PM my body was itching all over and it was very hot. I also became tired of laying in the same position for 50 minutes! I kinda gave up there because I don't think it would take 50 minutes to relax my body. I tried to lift up my hand and it was reall.y heavy and then I tried to lift up my legs and also was very heavy. How do I relax my body until the point where I get the pre-projection signs like buzzing and vibrations. For 50 minutes that I was trying to reach the mind awake body asleep state nothing happens except my body gets really heavy. Then I get tired of laying in the same position for so long and just gave up. I tried everything to relax my body. I kept telling myself I will have an OBE but nothing.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving! I have started reading the e-book Treatise on Astral Projection by Robert Bruce and it has been helping me. I still can't reach the Mind Awake / Body Asleep state yet. That is my only problem on why I haven't been able to OBE. I've tried a lot and tonight it will be very cold so I wonder if I can still attempt to OBE. I will cover myself with extra sheets and attempt to get the Mind Awake / Body Asleep state. That is my goal for now. Also, there is a big mirror in my room and when I OBE will I see my astral body in the mirror and will the mirror cause me to get scared and stop the OBE? What will happen when I see my Astral Body in the mirror? When I see my physical body on the bed ahsleep I will probably be shocked but excited too. My way of attempting to AP is to lie vertically on my bed. Is there a direction that is best for inducing an OBE? I really want to have an OBE and feel that lightness of my body. In the morning, I don't know how to attempt to OBE because when I wake up in the morning my nose is very stuffy, I have to pee, my back hurts sometimes after waking up. All these things would distract me from relaxing my body so how am I suppose to attempt an OBE in the morning.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Another weird OBE related dream.
Second Post of the day. Just woke up for a dream around an hour ago. I had another dream that I was having an OBE but did not feel like one again. I dreamt I was meditating in some area that seemed like a school (dont know why) to induce an OBE and a thunderbolt had shocked me and it made me have an etheric projection. It was a weird dream. I was APing and then was in etheric projection and traveling while seeing in skies. I can't remember anymore of it because I didn't write it when I woke up. It was from an afternoon nap. I tried to OBE and get Mind Awake / Body Asleep but immediately fell asleep when I relaxed my body and had this crazy dream.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
When I can actually achieve the Mind Awake / Body Asleep state I will use rope technique to get my out of the body. When I had that lucid dream the way I tried to get out of my body was by imagining my soul just flying off my body and that was easy. I'll definetly get close to doing it during christmas because i'll have time to practice.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I know what my problems are in why I haven't been able to AP. I have belief that I can project since I felt it in a lucid dream and belief is an important thing to have if you want to OBE. I also have no fear whatsoever of projecting. My problem is relaxation. I am bad at relaxing and getting to the mind awake / body asleep state and getting to the vibrations. I try to do rythmatic breathing and try to relax every muscle in my body but I just fall asleep. Other times I get these annoying itches that won't let me relax. This weekend I haven't been able to practice that much because I have been going to sleep late and then in the morning today I had a doctor's appointment. I need to improve on my relaxation. I also forget to write my dreams down in the morning. On weekdays I set my alarm clock 30 minutes before I wake up for school so I can do dream recollection but I always fall asleep until my 2nd alarm clock wakes me up for school. Other times I wake up late and have to get ready for school. On the weekends I just forget to write down my dreams. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL I PROJECT.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I am still very confident and patient about AP. I will eventually have an OBE and there is no rush for me. Right now my goal is just to get vibrations because I haven't really felt any vibrations just when I first started to attempt it my body got really heavy and felt very weak sparks throughout my body for like 30 seconds but then went away.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Concious OBE or regular dream?
Had a weird but amazing dream this morning. I dreamt I had my first OBE.. I had an astral body but did not see my physical body at all. In the dream I was practicing astral flight and was helping someone get around in the astral. It did not seem like an OBE but felt like a dream. I sat on the ground and tried to levitate. Everytime I concentrated on flying I floated up and when I lost concentration for a while I went back down. It was weird because It felt like I astral projected, I could see my astral body and was with someone else. Im not counting this as an OBE. I was awakened by the alarm clock and it felt weird working up (it took be a long time to get back to reality)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I have no school on fridays so I will be able to attempt and project. I want to actually do it because I have been waiting for a really long time to AP. I never got close by relaxing my body and getting vibrations. I only got far when I had a lucid dream. Here is a cool AP method I found on
There are four main types of exercises you can use when trying to induce an obe. They are:
Energy Balancing
Mind Control
In addition to these you can also use prayer at the beginning of the practice. Below is described a typical practice session. Begin by laying down on your bed with the door closed, a pillow under your knees and a comforter over you. Most authorities on astral travel recommend that you find a place where you will be undisturbed. Take a few moments to ground yourself *in* your body, to relax into yourelf at the moment at this particular place and time. Then you can say a prayer that goes something like this: "Dear God/dess, Creator, Angels and Guides from the Light: I pray that I may leave my body in order to ...................... Please help me and protect me in this endeavor!"Then visualize yourself surrounded with white light, and as you focus in on this light you become absorbed in the beauty of this energy and often have some wondrous visions and feelings of peace.
Then begin to focus on your feet, and in a typical relaxation exercise, move through my body from toe to head stretching, clenching and then relaxing each body part. Visualize energy swirling through each part of your body releasing tension.
Energy Balancing
Then cleanse, balance and charge your chakras.
Mind Control
Then you can use a technique adapted by the author years ago from the Silva Mind Control teachings to put your body to sleep. In your mind say: "I'm going to count down from 3 to 1, visualizing each number on a white orb suspended in the air above my head, and when I reach the third and final "1" my body will be asleep and I will have no awareness of physical sensations. I will not perceive any physical discomfort, and my consciousness will be focused on my astral body." Then visualize a white orb suspended in the air above your head. When you will be mentally well-focused on the orb, visualize a number "3" on the face of the orb. The numbers can be any color you choose. The important thing is to create a pattern, for training your brain to react the way you desire whenever you perform this sequence. This is the heart of the power of ritual!Visualize the 3 three times: three number "3's" on the orb. "My body is completely relaxed, becoming numb. I am losing awareness of physical sensation." Then repeat the visualization with three number "2's." "My body is asleep now. I feel no sensations, no discomfort. I will now visualize the "1's." When I am finished, I will have no awareness of physical sensations. My consciousness will be in my astral body." Then visualize the "1's" three times. "My body is now completely asleep. I have no awareness of physcial sensations. My consciousness is in my astral body." The benefit of training your mind this way is that you can greatly accelerate the process of transferring your awareness away from the physical body. Each time you practice this, the programming becomes a little bit stronger, after some time you will visualize the numbers and have your body asleep in two or three minutes.
Once you are in this state try to clear your mind by focusing on your breath, or the tip of your tongue, or any one thing. The key is to remain conscious while your body is asleep. Naturally, all sorts of thoughts pull you from the focus, but you can return as soon as you notice you've strayed to your concentration on one thing. Your obe's can often occur after a period of focus when your mind has drifted and has been on the verge of sleep. This is when you have awakened to find yourself either out of the body or when the "surges" have come on. You will often doze off when beginning practice, but take it up again when you are awake by focusing your attention and trying to remain conscious while your body sleeps.
There are four main types of exercises you can use when trying to induce an obe. They are:
Energy Balancing
Mind Control
In addition to these you can also use prayer at the beginning of the practice. Below is described a typical practice session. Begin by laying down on your bed with the door closed, a pillow under your knees and a comforter over you. Most authorities on astral travel recommend that you find a place where you will be undisturbed. Take a few moments to ground yourself *in* your body, to relax into yourelf at the moment at this particular place and time. Then you can say a prayer that goes something like this: "Dear God/dess, Creator, Angels and Guides from the Light: I pray that I may leave my body in order to ...................... Please help me and protect me in this endeavor!"Then visualize yourself surrounded with white light, and as you focus in on this light you become absorbed in the beauty of this energy and often have some wondrous visions and feelings of peace.
Then begin to focus on your feet, and in a typical relaxation exercise, move through my body from toe to head stretching, clenching and then relaxing each body part. Visualize energy swirling through each part of your body releasing tension.
Energy Balancing
Then cleanse, balance and charge your chakras.
Mind Control
Then you can use a technique adapted by the author years ago from the Silva Mind Control teachings to put your body to sleep. In your mind say: "I'm going to count down from 3 to 1, visualizing each number on a white orb suspended in the air above my head, and when I reach the third and final "1" my body will be asleep and I will have no awareness of physical sensations. I will not perceive any physical discomfort, and my consciousness will be focused on my astral body." Then visualize a white orb suspended in the air above your head. When you will be mentally well-focused on the orb, visualize a number "3" on the face of the orb. The numbers can be any color you choose. The important thing is to create a pattern, for training your brain to react the way you desire whenever you perform this sequence. This is the heart of the power of ritual!Visualize the 3 three times: three number "3's" on the orb. "My body is completely relaxed, becoming numb. I am losing awareness of physical sensation." Then repeat the visualization with three number "2's." "My body is asleep now. I feel no sensations, no discomfort. I will now visualize the "1's." When I am finished, I will have no awareness of physical sensations. My consciousness will be in my astral body." Then visualize the "1's" three times. "My body is now completely asleep. I have no awareness of physcial sensations. My consciousness is in my astral body." The benefit of training your mind this way is that you can greatly accelerate the process of transferring your awareness away from the physical body. Each time you practice this, the programming becomes a little bit stronger, after some time you will visualize the numbers and have your body asleep in two or three minutes.
Once you are in this state try to clear your mind by focusing on your breath, or the tip of your tongue, or any one thing. The key is to remain conscious while your body is asleep. Naturally, all sorts of thoughts pull you from the focus, but you can return as soon as you notice you've strayed to your concentration on one thing. Your obe's can often occur after a period of focus when your mind has drifted and has been on the verge of sleep. This is when you have awakened to find yourself either out of the body or when the "surges" have come on. You will often doze off when beginning practice, but take it up again when you are awake by focusing your attention and trying to remain conscious while your body sleeps.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The closest I have came to an OBE has been because of my lucky lucid dream that I had. I haven't been able to feel many vibrations when I attempt it normally. When I try to do it at night I sometimes feel itches all over my body in random places which keeps me distracted. I meditate for like 30 minutes and all I feel is my body feeling heavy and no vibrations at all. Only way I see myself OBEing is if I have a lucid dream. How can I relax my body and OBE without lucid dreams.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I've had many dreams but I keep forgetting to do dream recollection in the morning. I have stopped for a few days now and want to start again but sometimes it's hard. I set the alarm clock 30 minutes before the time I get up for school to do dream recollection. Sometimes I wake up and go back to sleep and do not even attempt to dream recollect. Hopefully I can start again.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I'm probably one of the few 15 year olds trying to AP. I'm the only one who knows about it in my family and want to keep it that way.
I've done several excersises for lucid dreams. I tell myself regulary everday "Am I Dreaming" which helps induce lucid dreams because your subconcious gets used to asking the question and might do so in a dream. Not much to type today...
I've done several excersises for lucid dreams. I tell myself regulary everday "Am I Dreaming" which helps induce lucid dreams because your subconcious gets used to asking the question and might do so in a dream. Not much to type today...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Closest OBE!
Was Amazing last night.... Yesterday I kept telling my self I will have an AP. I couldn't go to sleep and was still trying to go to sleep at 2:00 AM. I went to sleep at around 2:30 AM. I had a dream at around 3:00 AM and it became a little lucid. When I became lucid I started to think about AP. I tried to AP and was amazed! I felt like I was being sucked out of my body! I heard a rumbling noice (kinda like an avalanche) I knew I was going to AP. But then I stopped because I did not want to AP in the dark. It was an amazing feeling and I felt like my astral body was being split from my physical body. Now i'm mad because I could of APed but I wanted my first time to be during daylight. Im amazed at how easy it is to project during a lucid dream. Is it really this easy to project during a lucid dream? Next time should I project during a lucid dream? I woke up at around 6:30 AM and tried to relax my physical body and attempt to project again. But nothing happend for 30 minutes. Im amazed at how easy it is to project during a lucid dream and am trying to induce a lucid dream for tonight with the lights on.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tomorrow is Election Day! Which means I have no school tomorrow. I'll try to AP tomorrow too. And yes, Prophazuh when I AP there will be a possibility I won't see by body because i'll be in an astral void. I want my first AP to be during the day not night. I also wanted to see my body in my first AP. Astral Voids are just full of darkness? After I get out of school today I will also attempt to AP.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Every time I try to AP I seem to get closer in doing it. The weekend is almost over and I barely get time to practice AP during the school week. Today i'll go to sleep early and try to AP. I have no fear, whatsoever of APing. I've been reading about it for a month and have no fear of the unknown or dark entities because I know I can easily drive them away. For my first AP my goal is just to get out of my body and see my body sleeping on the bed. Then for the rest I will have goals like flying and getting around the Astral.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween! Yesterday when I attempted to project I actually felt vibrations. Felt like ants were all over my chest and legs. I tried to make them spread through my body. I also tried to relax my physical body the best I can but I fell asleep :(. I was very tired so that is why I fell alseep easily.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Couldn't do dream recollection this morning - woke up late for school and was in a rush. I can't really practice on weekdays because of school but I still read about it. On weekends I do try to do it though. Trying to get Astral Dynamics but couldn't get it on hold at my local library and don't want to spend money on it -.-
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I am still writing down all my dreams on my dream journal. This morning I only remembered like 2 but my dream recollection ability will eventually increase. I have been reading about AP for a month and am confident on APing. I think I will mostly be doing Etheric Projection (going to the physical plane) and exploring. When I am able to AP I will post all my experiences here in my blog.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I have never had an OBE or have astral projected before. I learned about astral projection last month. I have started to attempt in the beginning of October. The book I read is Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality by John Magnus. Starting today I am keeping a dream journal and every morning when I wake up I write down my dreams. Every weekend I try to AP. Last weekend I came so close and tried to roll-out but when it didn't work by body dozed off to sleep. I can't wait till I AP!
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